Current issues

Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger (David Hinton)
Report by Peter Paul Huth (closure)
There are some well-travelled cineastes and regular festival-goers who call Bologna their favourite festival. The atmosphere is relaxed and democratic, there is no VIP area, no stars who have to be shielded from the common people. The participants come from 70 countries, as is proudly noted. Final report by Peter Paul Huth.
"Censored Voices", directed by Mor Loushy (Israel, 2015) has received the SIGNIS-WACC Human Rights Award 2015. It is a feature-length documentary that highlights the darkest side of the history of the Six Day War of 1967.
"The Girl Who Saved My Live" by Hogir Hirori is the winner of the Angelos Award, the film prize of the Swedish Church, at the 39th Göteborg Film Festival 2016.
INTERFILM member Sofia Sjö informs about the 2015 International Conference on Religion and Film in Istanbul.
List of awards by church film juries 2015
The short film "If I Ruled" by Jenni Kangasniemi and Aino Suni has won the Church Media Foundation Award "Look At Me" at the 34th Oulu International Children's and Youth Festival.
Ylva Liljeholms report focusses on two issues, the Mexican films in the international competition and the representation of women by and in the festival selection.
Burton Buller writes about the film which won a Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury in Montreal 2015.
Burton Buller, member of the Ecumenical Jury in Montreal 2015, tells about his impressions of the festival and the jury experience.
Ola Sigurdson, member of the Ecumenical Jury Locarno 2015, reports about his experiences as film juror.
In his essay about the Festival de Cannes 2015 jury member Jolyon Mitchell reflects on the use and the meaning of faces in media communication