Current issues

Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger (David Hinton)
Report by Peter Paul Huth (closure)
There are some well-travelled cineastes and regular festival-goers who call Bologna their favourite festival. The atmosphere is relaxed and democratic, there is no VIP area, no stars who have to be shielded from the common people. The participants come from 70 countries, as is proudly noted. Final report by Peter Paul Huth.
Zlin is a true international film festival with this year’s Official Competition films originating from 15 countries. The overall theme apparent from this year’s competitive slate of films seemed to be that of a young protagonist from a broken home that is forced into adulthood a bit too quickly, leaving innocence and childhood behind, in order to care for or teach an adult an important life lesson, jury member Douglas Fahleson reports.
Jury member Bo Torp Pedersen reflects on films rarely shown beyond the festival circuit
At the International Children's and Young People's Film Festival in Malmö 2015 the Church of Sweden Youth Film Award was conferred to "X+Y" by British film director Morgan Matthews.
Today, people are more likely to visit the cinema than the church in their search for enlightenment. Cinema and church have a lot in common - they are both "storytelling organisations" as the president of the Protestant film organisation, INTERFILM, puts it.
The award-winning film "Every Face Has a Name" is about survivors of the concentration camps who arrived in Sweden in 1945.
As best film of the year 2015, the Protestant Film Jury in Germany has awarded the Iranian winner of the Berlinale, "Taxi Teheran" by Jafar Panahi.
Milja Radovic and Alyda Faber, jury members, review films of Locarno 2014
The Evangelical Film Jury in Germany has chosen the FILM OF THE YEAR: "Boyhood", directed by Richard Linklater. The film will be released on Blue-ray and DVD for American viewers on January 6, 2015.
Seit 1995 gibt es den Ökumenischen Empfang der Kirchen, zu dem die örtlichen Kirchen einladen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit stellte der diesjährige Präsident der Ökumenischen Jury, Alain le Goanvic, eine "Kleine Kinotheologie" vor.