Current issues

Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger (David Hinton)
Report by Peter Paul Huth (closure)
There are some well-travelled cineastes and regular festival-goers who call Bologna their favourite festival. The atmosphere is relaxed and democratic, there is no VIP area, no stars who have to be shielded from the common people. The participants come from 70 countries, as is proudly noted. Final report by Peter Paul Huth.
Heike Kühn, film critic and INTERFILM member, writes about outstanding films of the Venice Film Festival 2011, about the Golden Lion winner in particular.
"Mammas comeback" (A Mother's Comeback), a documentary about Rosie Millberg, a drag racing queen of Sweden in the beginning of the seventies, has won the Swedish Church Film Award 2011.
List of Awards 2010
The Berlin Film Festival celebrated its 60th birthday in style with a poster listing the titles of 15,477 films shown so far, a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Star Parade’, and an art installation of recycled festival billboards, film footage, and other materials called ‘The Curtain’ preceding an open-air screening at the Brandenburg Gate of Fritz Lang’s fully restored 1927 masterpiece 'Metropolis'.
At the Berlinale 2010 the INTERFILM Presidium has appointed Robin E. Gurney Honorary Life Member. He was working for several international church organisations, and was member of the INTERFILM Board.