Current issues

Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger (David Hinton)
Report by Peter Paul Huth (closure)
There are some well-travelled cineastes and regular festival-goers who call Bologna their favourite festival. The atmosphere is relaxed and democratic, there is no VIP area, no stars who have to be shielded from the common people. The participants come from 70 countries, as is proudly noted. Final report by Peter Paul Huth.
Le Passé is another triumph for writer/director Asghar Farhadi.
The WACC-SIGNIS Human Rights Award for 2012 has been given to the Swiss documentary "Forbidden Voices" directed by Barbara Miller.
At the Göteborg International Film Festival 2013 the Angelos, the Church of Sweden Film Award, has been given to "Godheten" (The Goodness) by Stefan Jarl (Sweden 2012)
An interesting phenomenon emerging in a number of films shown at the Montreal Festival of World Films this year is a focus on death as a natural and acceptable part of life, rather than on death as the feared enemy of life. Three films in particular stood out, says jury member Marjorie Suchocki.
Jury member Alyda Faber reports about the Berlinale 2012
At the 35th Göteborg International Film Festival, the Church of Sweden Film Award was given to the comedy "Flimmer" by Patrik Eklund.
In the church of Spiegel-Bern, on October 17, many mourners bode farewell to Dölf Rindlisbacher who died in his 93rd year of age. He was the first film commissioner of the German speaking Protestant churches in Switzerland and will be remembered as a pioneer in the history of Protestant media activities in Switzerland.