Welcome to INTERFILM, the International Interchurch Film Organisation. INTERFILM links cinema and church, cultures and religions. INTERFILM is looking beyond the screen.


Film directors Satu Majava and Joel Tainio have won the Church Media Foundation Award with their film «Do No Harm». The documentary was awarded in the domestic competition of the Tampere Film Festival 2024.
In his report about the Forum section of the Berlinale 2024 Karsten Visarius focusses on documentaries as Romuald Karmakar's "The Invisible Zoo" and Alexander Horwath's "Henry Fonda for President", mentioning a number of outstanding feature films as well.
The Berlinale is more political than Cannes or Venice. Many of the films dealt with the war in Ukraine, the Palestinian question, oppression in Iran, young men going off to fight the jihad, and Iranian and Syrian refugees. Jacques Champeaux, INTERFILM member and member of the ecumenical jury in Berlin 2024, reports about the festival.


National Church Film Awards

On a national level, church film prizes are awarded regularly without INTERFILM being involved directly. These awards are documented here.

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Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2
26.04.2023 to 30.04.2023
In Budapest at the end of April 2023 INTERFILM is organising a seminar on the history of Hungarian film and the current situation in Central and Eastern Europe.