Festival of German-speaking Young Film


INTERFILM Award winner Olaf Saumer with jury members Jörg Metzinger (Saarbruecken), Eva Furrer-Haller (Biel), Reinhard Middel (Frankfurt a/M), Gudrun Hohenberger (Graz) and Hans Hodel, jury co-ordinator (from left)

Awards of the INTERFILM Jury
Suicide Club - Manchmal lebt man länger als man denkt

Without knowing each other before, five people agree on to commit suicide on the roof of an apartment building. But they don’t succeed. Olaf Saumer in contrast succeeds in his low budget film to create dramatical and emotional moments in facing the big issue of life and death. Being serious enough the film also involves lightness and humour.
Convincing especially in his absurd and comical passages, the film surprises by unexpected turns. The five on the roof come to know each other better during the span of a day – and therefore do not step forward into the deep but back to life.


The INTERFILM Jury chooses a winner of the INTERFILM Award, carrying a prize money of 2000.- € donated by “Projekt Johanneskirche” (www.j-kirche.de), from the official competition for long fiction films.


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